Examples of the services offered by the firm include the following:
Capital improvement program optimization: planning, prioritization, management and measurement
Competitive assessments, including benchmarking and implementation of best practices
Consolidation of services and resources
Cost of service and rate studies and the supporting financial modeling
Customer service: enhancement of quality and efficiency
Expert witness services
Feasibility studies to support the issuance or restructuring of debt
Financing alternatives including both public and private sector options
Formation of public authorities including transition planning
Mergers and acquisitions assistance
Rate restructuring analysis and modeling
Service delivery optimization: organization structure, policies & practices, facilities & equipment, outsourcing (where appropriate) and use of technology
Strategic planning
Succession planning
Training: leadership, modeling, customer service and other management and organizational training.
Amawalk Consulting Group 90 Broad Street Suite 707A New York, NY10004 ph: (212) 361-0050 fax: (212) 361-0055 info@amawalkconsulting.com